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CSS selectors: the basics
For anyone who has been using CSS for some time, CSS selectors become almost second nature. For those who are new to CSS, however, selectors are powerful tools that allow you to write cleaner, more efficient markup. This article will guide you through some of the basic concepts of CSS selectors.
CSS creme of the month
Every once in a while we try to identify what's hot in one of our categories and this time we picked CSS since it's becoming more popular with each day that goes by. More and more web designers become interested in learning every trick. A good way to do it is by good examples which is what this list will try to showcase. The best CSS examples of the month.
Spiffy Corners - Purely CSS Rounded Corners
Spiffy Corners is a simple way to generate the CSS and HTML you need to create anti-aliased corners without using images or javascript.
dotMobi Mobile Web Developers Guide
"The mobile industry is not an easy thing to boil down. Imagine all the complexities of the Internet, all the protocols, languages, methods and techniques, then multiply that by 100…that only begins to scratch the surface of the mobile space." Techniques and information required to make a basic site that will work well on the majority of phones.
CSS+Javascript power. Fancy menu
Guillermo Rauch is a sixteen year old hacker who created a fancy menu using CSS and JavaScript based on mootools. A custom navigation bar with some cute Javascript effects that will certainly impress your friends.
CSSED - "A GTK-2 CSS Editor"
cssed is a small developer editor and validator, that tries to ease the CSS editing. It is an Open Source project, it means that you can download the program but also its source.
Joomla CSS Guide
Joomla CSS Guide is a website you can have free access to all of the CSS styles and class/ID names which are declared in joomla template css file (template_css.css).
New CSS Commands for Internet Explorer 7
There are a small handful of new CSS commands that you can now use for Internet Explorer 7. Well, they're not really new - most other browsers have supported them for a long time and IE is only just catching up.
Nice and Free CSS Templates
This site contains free css templates for your website - Just copy and paste and there you have a stunning website !
74 CSS Gallery Roundup
List of CSS galleries ranked by DannyB, "Design, dates, frequency are big factors, but others things come into play … like css news, ranking, comments … "
CSS Image Frames Style Tutorial
Learn to style ornate image frames using CSS border & background-image properties.
CSS AJAX Switch is a Wordpress Plugin that allows for CSS switching without any reload. It stores the selection for future visits as well.
Javascript/CSS Font Detector
Javascript code to Detect available Fonts using Javascript and CSS. This may be help of desktop-like web application developers when they want to provide different skins or fonts preferences to their users. This may also be help for blog skin designers which can provide different fonts for different users based on the list of fonts on their machine.
Inline CSS Tabs with Rounded Corners
Inline tabs enable you to show a lot of content in a small space. Here's how to create them with rounded corners using CSS and JavaScript.
5 Tips for coding xhtml/css layouts
Few tips in the transition from table-based web design to standards compliant css based layouts.
CSS layout: 100% height with header and footer
Sometimes things that used to be really simple with tables can still appear pretty hard with CSS. This layout for instance would consist of 3 cells; two with a fixed height, and a third one in the center filling up the remaining space. Using CSS, however, you have to take a different approach.
position:relative and overflow in Internet Explorer 7
The overflow bug is documented well and exists in IE6 and still continuous on ie7, Jonathan Snook has found a solution.
How to debug CSS
This is a list of guidelines that will help you identify what the problem is, so that you can take the steps you need to fix it. This guide has to be relitively vague, as its not about one specific problem, its about every problem you're ever likely to encounter.
Creating a CSS layout from scratch
This guide will attempt to take you step by step, through the process of creating a fully functioning CSS layout.