Social Share With Gsap
Custom social share components with preview.
Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS),JS

Flat Range Sliders
Animated, flat range slider with the help of noUiSlider.
Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS),JS (Babel)

Responsive Comic Book Layout
A responsive layout using flexbox with narrative text and speech bubbles styled in CSS. Background patterns also in CSS. The only acceptable use of Comic Sans font.
Made with: HTML,CSS

Email Input Validation Behavior
Email input validation in jQuery.
Made with: HTML (Slim),CSS (SCSS),JS (Babel)

Css Fizzy Button
Fizzy CSS download button with font icon and super fizzy particle action.
Made with: HTML (Haml),CSS (SCSS)

Hexagon Grid With Hover
CSS Hexagon grid with animation flip on hover.
Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)

Portfolio Page With Animations
Super awesome portfolio with off-canvas menu and a lot of animations.
Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS),JS

Weather Widget With Css And Svg: Raining
Trying CSS animation for SVG clouds for weather widget.
Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS),JavaScript

Ios-Style Transparency Effect In Css With Backdrop-Filter
Playing with the backdrop-filter effect.
Made with: HTML,CSS

Social Share Button
Social share button that pull apart into seperate buttons.
Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)