Responsive And Accessible Data Table
Mobile-first responsive and accessible data table. At narrower view ports, the thead is hidden, rows are turned into cards with labels shown using a data-* attribute.
Made with: HTML

Organic Button
Elastic submit button, has pounding hearth for loading animation, will burst into ready state once done.
Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS),JavaScript

Arrow Box With Css (12 Positions)
Styles created using Stylus to create arrows attached to the centers, as well as the edges of a box. Total of 12 positions are provided.
Made with: HTML

Border Animation Effect
Border animation effect with SVG and CSS
Made with: HTML,CSS,JavaScript

Animated Radial/Circular Menu
A radial menu made with CSS3 and JavaScript.
Made with: HTML,CSS,JS

Flat Css-Only Countdown And Countup
No JavaScript, pure CSS.
Made with: HTML (Haml),CSS (SCSS)