Weather Icons


Awesome weather icons in HTML, SVG and CSS.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)

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Weather Icons

Multiple Sliding Panels


Sliding panels around to give greater emphasis to the active panel. Uses only CSS :hover states with transform/opacity transitions for maximum performance.

Made with: HTML,CSS (Less)

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Multiple Sliding Panels

Floatting Draggable Menu


Floatting Draggable Menu (Messenger like).

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS),JavaScript

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Floatting Draggable Menu

Submit Button


Submit button concept in jQuery.

Made with: HTML,CSS (Sass),JS

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Submit Button

Polygon-Style Gradient Pull Quote


Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)

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Polygon-Style Gradient Pull Quote

Business Card


Flipping business card in HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Made with: HTML (Haml),CSS (SCSS),JavaScript

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Business Card

Flat Layered Button


Made with: HTML,CSS

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Flat Layered Button

Thumbnail With Animated Captions


In combination with data attributes, you can build a thumbnail image with title and description using just one single line of HTML code.

Made with: HTML,CSS

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Thumbnail With Animated Captions

Logo Loader


Made with: HTML,CSS

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Logo Loader

Product Card


Product card in HTML, CSS and little jQuery.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS),JavaScript

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Product Card

Css Perspective Text Hover


An experiment using webfonts in combination with CSS 3D transform tools.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)

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Css Perspective Text Hover

Css Only News Cards


Pure CSS news cards with revealing content on hover.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)

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Css Only News Cards

Arrow Animations


Some CSS only arrow animations that indicate state changes.

Made with: HTML/Pug

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Arrow Animations

Css-Only Sliding Panels Using Transforms


Sliding panels around to give greater emphasis to the active panel. Uses only CSS :hover states with transform/opacity transitions for maximum performance. Responsively switches to a stacked layout on smaller screens, or by using the .panels--stacked class.

Made with: HTML,CSS (Less)

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Css-Only Sliding Panels Using Transforms

Speech Bubble Caret


Making a triangle for a speech bubble and using transforms to help create the position.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)

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Speech Bubble Caret

Action Button With Checkbox Trick


Made with: HTML,CSS (Less)

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Action Button With Checkbox Trick

Vue Top Progress


Made with:

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Vue Top Progress

Scroll Down - Call To Action Animation


Simple animated call to action arrow.

Made with: HTML

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Scroll Down - Call To Action Animation

Material Music Player


HTML and CSS material music player.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)

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Material Music Player

Emoticon Star Rating


Emoticon five star rating through Font Awesome in pure CSS.

Made with: HTML (Pug),CSS (SCSS)

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Emoticon Star Rating