403 Error Message


Made with: HTML,CSS

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403 Error Message

Style Dropdown Menu


Made with: HTML (Pug),CSS (SCSS),JS (Babel)

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Style Dropdown Menu

Bootstrap Slider Full Screen


Bootstrap slider full screen with animations.

Made with: HTML,CSS,JS

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Bootstrap Slider Full Screen

Downloading Animation For Button


A simple animation for a downloading button with HTML, SVG and CSS.

Made with: HTML,CSS,JavaScript

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Downloading Animation For Button

Fancy Bootstrap Checkboxes


Made with: HTML,CSS

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Fancy Bootstrap Checkboxes

Motion Path Infinity


Using an infinity motion path to animate a number. Uses the CSS Motion Path module, using the newer spec (offset-* instead of motion-*).

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS),JS

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Motion Path Infinity

Button Ripple Effect


Simple pulsating, ripple effect with box-shadow.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)

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Button Ripple Effect

Share & Social Semicircles


A small collection of social/share buttons that take the shape of a semicircle.

Made with: HTML (Haml),CSS (SCSS),JS

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Share & Social Semicircles

Material Card


Click on the orange circle to show up the diagrammatic overview.

Made with: HTML,CSS

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Material Card

Bootstrap Cookie Directive


Made with: HTML,CSS,JS

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Bootstrap Cookie Directive

Pure Css Text Animation


Text animation in HTML and CSS.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)

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Pure Css Text Animation

Pure Css Tabs With Indicator


Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)

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Pure Css Tabs With Indicator

Random Quote Machine With Bootstrap


Made with: HTML,CSS,JS

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Random Quote Machine With Bootstrap

Pure Css Shaded Cube Wheels


Made with: HTML (Haml),CSS (SCSS)

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Pure Css Shaded Cube Wheels

Parallax Background


Pure CSS background parallax.

Made with: HTML (Pug),CSS (SCSS)

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Parallax Background

Triangular Grid


CSS-only triangular grid.

Made with: CSS (Stylus)

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Triangular Grid

Flat Buttons Psuedo Striped Shadows


Flat buttons are all the rage. Stripes are in season. Rather than accomplishing the stripes with a repeating SVG or PNG background image, this CSS-only approach uses a strategically spaced linear gradient at an angle to produce an identical feel. No tessellating knowledge needed. A transformation and intentional z-indexing give a smooth resolve on hover.

Made with: HTML,CSS

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Flat Buttons Psuedo Striped Shadows

Css Gradient Hover Effect


A quick proof of concept for a hover effect utilizing mix-blend-mode and CSS gradients.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)

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Css Gradient Hover Effect

3d Button


3D button with HTML and CSS.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)

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3d Button

Social Buttons With Tooltips


Made with: HTML (Pug),CSS (SCSS)

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Social Buttons With Tooltips