Cool Checkbox With Svg


A custom checkbox that makes use of SVG to animate the tick inside of it.

Made with: HTML/Pug

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Cool Checkbox With Svg

Vue Progress Scroll


Made with:

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Vue Progress Scroll

Responsive Sidebar/Navbar


Vertical/Horizontal responsive sidebar/navbar.

Made with: HTML,CSS

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Responsive Sidebar/Navbar

Blockquote, Flexbox, Rgba, Before Content


Experimenting with various CSS techniques to help beginners experiment with positioning, colors, transparency, and Flexbox.

Made with: HTML,CSS

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Blockquote, Flexbox, Rgba, Before Content

Dynamic Newspaper W/Css Grid


Automatically loads latest stories on refresh. Layout is done with CSS Grid. Built with HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery and the News API.

Made with: HTML

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Dynamic Newspaper W/Css Grid

Groovy Css Effect


1960's font effect using CSS text-shadow property along with SASS function and mixins to keep code DRY.

Made with: HTML (Pug),CSS (SCSS)

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Groovy Css Effect

Hover Buttons


Experimenting with the CSS mix-blend-mode property.

Made with: HTML (Pug),CSS (SCSS)t

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Hover Buttons

Sticky Navigation Menu With Smooth Scrolling


It's basically a template with couple of features like that are invoked on scroll - Shrink Header, addition of drop shadow. Other than that smooth scroll feature is also added to logo(scroll top top) and smooth scroll to section on clicking menu item.

Made with: HTML (Pug),CSS (SCSS),JS

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Sticky Navigation Menu With Smooth Scrolling

Flyout Tooltip


Simple CSS only flyout tooltip.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)

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Flyout Tooltip

Css Toggle Switch


CSS soft toggle switch.

Made with: HTML

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Css Toggle Switch

Toggle Function & Smooth Scroll Pure Html & Css


Grid layout + details & summary + scroll-behavior. All in pure CSS3.

Made with: HTML,CSS

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Toggle Function & Smooth Scroll Pure Html & Css

Pricing Table Ui


Simple pricing table.

Made with: HTML

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Pricing Table Ui

Masking Path Animation


Made with: HTML,CSS

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Masking Path Animation

Magic Burrito


Loading burrito...

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)

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Magic Burrito

The Social Drawer


Just another drawer for your social links.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)

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The Social Drawer

Emoji Checkbox


Pure CSS emoji checkbox.

Made with: HTML

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Emoji Checkbox

Snake Highlight


Slithering highlight in login form.

Made with: HTML

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Snake Highlight

Snake Highlight


Slithering highlight in login form with anime.js.

Made with: HTML,CSS,JavaScript

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Snake Highlight

Bootstrap Profile Header Card


Made with: HTML,CSS

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Bootstrap Profile Header Card

Letters Effect


Letters effect on scroll.

Made with: HTML

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Letters Effect