Pure Css Animated Clouds
Animated clouds using nothing but HTML and CSS.
Made with: HTML,CSS

Pure Css Animated Bubbles
Animated bubbles using nothing but HTML and CSS.
Made with: HTML,CSS

Simple Off Canvas Menu
Simple off canvas menu with CSS3 transitions and translates and little jQuery.
Made with: HTML,CSS,JS

Under The Sea Contact Form
Contact form with custom jQuery form validation. Plus some simple CSS3 animations.
Made with: HTML,CSS,JS

Pure Css3 Sidebar Menu
Pure CSS3 mega dropdown sidebar menu with animation..
Made with: HTML,CSS

The Scattering
Stacked cards with randomized rotation. Renders a slightly scattered stack of cards with randomized rotation and transform-origin on each card.
Made with: HTML (Haml),CSS (SCSS),JS

Sidebar Sliding Menu Css
CSS sliding sidebar menu with scroll, no JS were used
Made with: HTML,CSS

Circles And Stacking
Simple example of stacking box-shadows on a round element to create a glow effect.
Made with: HTML,CSS