Snowfall Animation
Snowfall animation in HTML and CSS (using Pug and SCSS respectively for simplicity).
Made with: HTML (Pug),CSS (SCSS)

Bootstrap Calendar Datepicker #17
This is a full-blown free inline calendar template with the result/exact date selection at the top of the block.
Made with: HTML,CSS,JS

Bootstrap Calendar Datepicker #16
Picking dates becomes a piece of cake with this free minimalist calendar template based on Bootstrap framework.
Made with: HTML,CSS,JS

Bootstrap Calendar Datepicker #14
Keep it clean and minimal on your website or application with this free desktop datepicker template.
Made with: HTML,CSS,JS

Bootstrap Calendar Datepicker #12
A modern, simple and responsive free date picker template based on Bootstrap framework.
Made with: HTML,CSS,JS

Bootstrap Calendar Datepicker #09
A full-blown free calendar date picker template with an option to specify the exact time.
Made with: HTML,CSS,JS

Progresscar With Custom Css Properties
An interesting way to show what custom CSS properties can do for us.
Made with: HTML,CSS,JS (Babel)

Interactive Particles Text
Interactive particles text create with three.js.
Made with: HTML,CSS,JS