Bill ?? ? Paxton Tribute - Glow Text


Compatible browsers:Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari

Made with: HTML (Pug),CSS (SCSS),JavaScript

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Bill ?? ? Paxton Tribute - Glow Text

Blog Card


Blog card with transparent text animation.

Made with: HTML (Pug),CSS (Less)

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Blog Card



Made with: HTML,CSS,JS

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Gradient Buttons With Background-Color Change


A selection of gradient buttons that change the background-color when hovering. You can change the directon of the background change in the :hover state. Don't forget to then also change the background-color direction in the button itself.

Made with: HTML,CSS

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Gradient Buttons With Background-Color Change

Tic Tac Toe Minimax Algorithm Ai


Tic Tac Toe game. You play against the computer, driven by the minimax algorithm.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS),JS (Babel)

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Tic Tac Toe Minimax Algorithm Ai

Elegant E-Commerce Card


Minimalistic & elegant e-commerce card.

Made with: HTML,CSS

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Elegant E-Commerce Card

Css Only 3d Paper Fold Text Effect


Attempt at a paper folding effect with text so that it looks like it's coming off the page.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)

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Css Only 3d Paper Fold Text Effect

Simple Css-Only Fire Animation


Simple animation of fire using plain HTML & CSS3.

Made with: HTML,CSS

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Simple Css-Only Fire Animation

Preloader With Anime.Js


Made with: HTML (Haml),CSS (SCSS),JavaScript

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Preloader With Anime.Js

Social Media Button


SVG filter gooey share, social media button with jQuery.

Made with: HTML,CSS,JS

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Social Media Button

Draggable Bootstrap Menu


This draggable bootstrap menu overflows the dropdown menus yet shows a background color the same size as the collapsed menu.

Made with: HTML,CSS,JS

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Draggable Bootstrap Menu

Material Design Flat Button


Hacky CSS way for flat Material Design shadows for text.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)

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Material Design Flat Button

Charles Hayter's Colour Diagrams


An attempt to recreate the colour diagrams in Charles Hayter's “A New Practical Treatise on the Three Primitive Colours Assumed as a Perfect System of Rudimentary Information”.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)

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Charles Hayter's Colour Diagrams

Anime.Js Fireworks


Made with: HTML,JS

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Anime.Js Fireworks

Dance Of The Hexagons And Variables


Using CSS variables and transitions to manipulate separate transform functions individually.

Made with: HTML,CSS,JS

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Dance Of The Hexagons And Variables

Magazine Layout - Contents Page


Made with: HTML,CSS,JS

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Magazine Layout - Contents Page

Lavalamp Css Menu


Horizontal CSS menu with lavalamp hover effect.

Made with: HTML,CSS

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Lavalamp Css Menu

React Carousel


React carousel - custom version.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS),JS (Babel)

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PlaceholderReact Carousel

Pure Css Countdown Timer


Uses purse CSS animations for a 60 second countdown,

Made with: HTML (Pug),CSS (Stylus)

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Pure Css Countdown Timer

Switch Logo


Nintendo Switch logo in HTML and CSS.

Made with: HTML,CSS

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Switch Logo