<Del> & <Ins> As A Tooltip


HTML tags <del> & <ins> as a tooltip with pure CSS.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)

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<Del> & <Ins> As A Tooltip

Html <Del> & <Ins>


A simple way to show "deleted" and "inserted" text in HTML.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)

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Html <Del> & <Ins>

Cards Hover Effects


Bootstrap grid for cards with hover effects.

Made with: HTML,CSS,JS

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Cards Hover Effects

Bootstrap Grid Examples


Made with: HTML,CSS,JS

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Bootstrap Grid Examples

Css Gradient Clip-Path Borders


This example shows how the CSS clip-path property can be used to create a variety of shaped gradient borders.

Made with: HTML,CSS

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Css Gradient Clip-Path Borders

Css Gradient Clip-Path Borders


This example shows how the CSS clip-path property can be used to create a variety of shaped gradient borders.

Made with: HTML,CSS

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Css Gradient Clip-Path Borders

<Del> & <Ins> With Css


HTML tags <del> & <ins> with CSS.

Made with: HTML,CSS

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<Del> & <Ins> With Css

Css Watch Animation


Pure HTML and CSS watch animation. Based on dribbble shot "Swiss Watch Face Design with Artificial Intelligence by Gleb".

Made with: HTML,CSS (Stylus)

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Css Watch Animation

Ff Meta Variable Font


An explanation of Variable Fonts, what they do, why they matter, and in general an attempt to show off a beautiful, classic typeface design by Erik Spiekermann now in variable form from Monotype.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS),JS

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Ff Meta Variable Font

Gooey Css Loader


Pure CSS gooey loader.

Made with: HTML

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Gooey Css Loader

Login Form Animation


Login page animation template created with CSS3 and vanilla JavaScript DOM elements. Will surely try to upgrade it with more better animation effects.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS),JavaScript

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Login Form Animation

Svg ∞ Loader


No JS, cross-browser, minimal code. 20 lines of CSS and 4 lines of generated SVG.

Made with: HTML/Pug

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Svg ∞ Loader

Bootstrap 4 Carousel


Made with: HTML,CSS,JS

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Bootstrap 4 Carousel

Quote Example


Quotes with Font Awesome and pseudo elements.

Made with: HTML

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Quote Example

Css Design Checkbox


CSS material design checkbox.

Made with: HTML

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Css Design Checkbox

Submit Loader


Submit button with loader.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS),JavaScript

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Submit Loader

Login Form #17


Made with: HTML,CSS,JS

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PlaceholderLogin Form #17

Login Form #18


Made with: HTML,CSS,JS

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PlaceholderLogin Form #18

Svg Animation 404 Error Milk Carton


SVG animation of blinking eyes and mouth movements. Mouth animation: Using morphSVG between the two paths #mouth and #mouth-frown. Eye blink animation: Using transformOrigin and scaleY of a circle to create a blinking effect.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS),JavaScript

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Svg Animation 404 Error Milk Carton

Animated Image Clipping


Simple CSS animated image clipper, making various shapes using percentages.

Made with: HTML,CSS

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Animated Image Clipping