Figure & Figcaption


Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)

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Figure & Figcaption

Figure & Figcaption


Made with: HTML,CSS,JS

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Figure & Figcaption

Parallax Image Gallery


Made with: HTML,CSS,JavaScript

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Parallax Image Gallery

Gallery With Figure & Figcaption


Parallax image gallery using figure & figcaption tags.

Made with: HTML,CSS

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Gallery With Figure & Figcaption

Figure & Figcaption With Css


figure & figcaption using CSS flexbox and some simple styling.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS),JavaScript (Babel)

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Figure & Figcaption With Css

Fullscreen Menu


Fullscreen flex menu in jQuery.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS),JS

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PlaceholderFullscreen Menu

Animating Striped Text


Animating striped text with background clip and gradients.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)

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Animating Striped Text

Html Figure & Figcaption


Simple example of thumbnails using HTML figure & figcaption tags and CSS.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)

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Html Figure & Figcaption

Responsive And Animated Windmill


Windmill (Pug + SCSS) - responsive & animated.

Made with: HTML (Pug),CSS (SCSS)

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Responsive And Animated Windmill

Playful Css Figure & Figcaption


Pure CSS, no libs and stuff.

Made with: HTML,CSS

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Playful Css Figure & Figcaption

There's No Place Like Home


A CSS-only house based off of the Pokemon Gameboy art featuring some JS and CSS variables to change its colours.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS),JS (Babel)

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There's No Place Like Home

The Glowing Loader


The glowing loader with pure CSS animation.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)

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The Glowing Loader

Tetris With High Score Tracking


Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS),JS

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Tetris With High Score Tracking

Use Alt Tags In Img Captions


Example of how to use alt to print to your img captions. Handy for SEO purposes. Credit to Josh Emrich for his Campy Creature Invader artwork. And JavaScript by CodeJoust on StackExchange.

Made with: HTML,CSS,JavaScript

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Use Alt Tags In Img Captions

Html Figure & Figcaption


Minimalistic pure CSS carousel with HTML figure and figcaption.

Made with: HTML (Haml),CSS (Sass)

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Html Figure & Figcaption

Figure & Caption


Animated image thumbnail.

Made with: HTML,CSS

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Figure & Caption

Responsive Image Labels


Using figcaption to add multiple labels to an image. By changing a CSS variable with media queries, the labels can adjust to a wide variety of screen sizes.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)

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Responsive Image Labels

Box Corners Animation


Box corners animation in HTML and CSS.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)

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Box Corners Animation

Box Corners Animation


Box corners animation on hover in pure CSS.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)

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Box Corners Animation

Shape-Outside - Experiment 3


Experimenting with shape-outside within a layout. Somewhat responsive.

Made with: HTML,CSS

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Shape-Outside - Experiment 3