500 Error


A 500 error page with a message that changes as time goes by.

Made with: HTML,CSS,JS

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500 Error

Sample 500 Error Page


This is an SVG from Illustrator, cleaned up via SVGOMG, then animated using the Vivus.js library.

Made with: HTML,CSS,JS

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Sample 500 Error Page

Error 500 Alert


Pure HTML and CSS 500 error alert.

Made with: HTML (Pug),CSS (Stylus)

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Error 500 Alert

Pure Css Buggy Error


Hover the error code to make a bunch of bugs skitter.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)

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Pure Css Buggy Error

Animated Text-Shadow


A fun, CSS animation that creates a bounce while mimicking an RGB separation during the process.

Made with: HTML,CSS

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Animated Text-Shadow

Vuejs Music/Audio Player Version 2


A VueJS based audio player created using HTML5 Audio API.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS),JS (Babel)

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PlaceholderVuejs Music/Audio Player Version 2

Shopping Bag Checkout


HTML and CSS shopping bag layout.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)

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Shopping Bag Checkout

Horizontal Slider To Gallery Grid


Full responsive grid with awesome mobile UX using one media query and two lines of code.

Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)

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Horizontal Slider To Gallery Grid

Password Error Animation


Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS),JS

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Password Error Animation

Pickle-Rick Sliced 404


Made with: HTML,CSS

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Pickle-Rick Sliced 404

The Glitch Effect


Creating a glitch effect where screen will shake on hover.

Made with: HTML,CSS

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The Glitch Effect

Line Drawing


Line drawing with anime.js.

Made with: HTML,CSS,JavaScript

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Line Drawing

Web Poster


Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)

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Web Poster

Pure Css 404 Error Page


Made with: CSS (SCSS)

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Pure Css 404 Error Page

404 Page - Css Character


4040 page with little monster character made entirely with CSS plus a mouse tracking animations.

Made with: HTML (Pug),CSS,JS

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404 Page - Css Character

404 Error - Lost And Alone


Made with: HTML,CSS (Sass)

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404 Error - Lost And Alone

404 Page


Made with: HTML,CSS (Sass)

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404 Page

Css Cassette Animation


Made with: HTML (Slim),CSS (SCSS)

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Css Cassette Animation

Css Grid Calendar


HTML calendar with CSS Grid.

Made with: HTML (Pug),CSS (SCSS)

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Css Grid Calendar

Css Grid Card Skeleton Screen With Custom Properties


The skeleton page is a big trend in UX field. Using CSS Grid to create the page layout, it is more practical to work with components that need to be dynamically repeated.

Made with: HTML,CSS (Less)

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Css Grid Card Skeleton Screen With Custom Properties