Great Pyramid Of Giza - 3d Model - Pure Css
3D model of the Egyptian Great Pyramid of Cheops in Giza. Discovering the possibilities of 3D modeling with CSS.
Made with: HTML,CSS
Pure Css 3d Shaded Rotating Golden
Make your own by changing vars on 1st line of Pug.
Made with: HTML (Pug),CSS (SCSS)
Css 3d Guitar With 5 Texture Variation
CSS 3D Guitar is a guitar model, made possible using mask-image, background-image and transform properties. The design is created with <div> elements and is completely customizable through CSS Variables. Camera simulation and Control panel synchronization powered by a few lines of JavaScript.
Made with: HTML,CSS,JS
Vintage Casio PT-1 keyboard drawn entirely with HTML and CSS; using divs, gradients and box-shadows.
Made with: HTML,CSS