Gameboy Tetris Clone
A simple javascript version of Tetris for the GameBoy. Although it's pretty similar to every version of Tetris. Uses p5.js for drawing!
Made with: HTML,CSS,JS
Tetris is one of the best games from the most popular console of the 1990s. Do you feel tired of complicated and difficult games? Did you miss the favorite classic games? Let's play this game to feel nostalgic! How to play: Move and rotate the falling blocks. Lines are cleared when they are filled with blocks and have no empty spaces.
Made with: HTML (Pug),CSS,JS
Backbone Tetris
An implementation of a very simple Tetris (no scoring, no levels, no fun) in Backbone.js.
Made with: HTML,CSS,JS
Use the arrow keys to move pieces, space to rotate and 1 to pause the game the Config object displays the levels with the interval being the number of milliseconds between automatic piece move down and the threshold being the number of intervals that elapse before the level moves up one. Scores are the square of the number of rows removed by piece placement make sure to click on the board area or the keys wont work.
Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS),JS
Tetris In Vanilla Js
The goal is to make a Tetris emulation that is resolution independent with pixel-perfect edges and can intelligently resize itself based on changes in window size.
Made with: HTML,CSS,JS