Tree View From Unordered List
Pure CSS tree view from HTML ul element.
Made with: HTML (Pug),CSS

Mermaid Sequence Diagram
Flow diagram made with mermaid.js.
Made with: HTML,CSS,JavaScript

Responsive Organization Flowchart
A pure HTML/ CSS responsive organization flowchart with departments and sub-sections. Improvements: - media queries are separated in one place only and not all over the CSS (more control on it) - 3 new style of line (a 3 block column line; a 2 block column block line; a single block line) - use SCSS to maange easly varaibles and breakepoint - separated the list of departments from board area (more control and less ul insie ul inside ul inside ul) - 7 column on the department area.
Made with: HTML,CSS (SCSS)

Bootstrap Determination Flowchart
Only Bootstrap determination flowchart.
Made with: HTML,CSS

Horizontal Family Tree
Horizontal family tree in HTML and CSS.
Made with: HTML (Pug),CSS (SCSS)

Responsive Organization Flowchart
A pure HTML/ CSS responsive organization flowchart with departments and sub-sections
Made with: HTML,CSS