Purple React

Purple React Admin is a responsive React template based on the CSS framework Bootstrap 4 and is built with Sass. It comes with high feature-rich pages and components with fully developer-centric code. Purple admin comes with gradient color style, several widgets, chart icons, and many more features support. This admin panel is 100% responsive and compatible with all retina devices and browsers. This free react template is clean and customizable. It can be the best choice for any administrative dashboard, CMS (content management system), e-commerce admin dashboard, or background management panel.
Besides, plenty of custom-made features and elements are packed with this free admin template, like a collapsible navigation bar, dropdown menu bar, form elements, typography, different types of charts, and many more. It comes with error/bug-free, well structured, well-commented code, Which saves your large amount of developing backend application time and is fully customizable. You can also get extended documentation that can help you to customize this dashboard template easily. So get your project done with Purple React and explore it more.
Key Features
- Bootstrap 4
- React js
- Gulp based workflow
- 100% responsive
- Cross-browser compatibility
- Multipage design
- On hover effects
- Collapsible navigation bar
- Fixed top navigation bar
- Dropdown menu bar
- Different types tables
- Basic UI elements
- Form elements
- Variety of charts
- Material design icons
- Several widgets
- Extensive documentation
- Fontawesome font icons
- Google fonts
In the box
- One HTML Page
- All demo images
- All HTML5 & CSS3 files
- Javascript source files
- Library and plugin files
Libraries & Plugins
Purple React
Tags: Clean Dropdown Gradient HTML5 & CSS3 Login Form Material Design Multipage On hover effect Responsive
Posted: 29.07.2022