
Namari is a free one-page HTML5 landing page template. It comes in a clean and modern design. This free one-page HTML5 landing page template is fully responsive. In addition, sticky navigation, parallax background, ghost button, photo gallery with a modal view are fantastic features included with it in the box. Moreover, it has a simple, well-organized and commented code that makes it an easily customizable tool.
Free one-page HTML5 landing page template
Artistic images and white background gives Namari a unique look. Namari has a beautiful animated CSS3 preloader and nice typography. Create with Namari, enjoy creating with an artistic feel!
Key Features
- Clean and beautiful look
- Modern One-page template
- Easily customizable
- Animated CSS3 preloader
- Hero header
- Page border
- Ghost button
- Parallax background
- Animated sticky top navigation bar with scroll spy
- On scroll reveal animation
- Photo grid with a popup modal view
- Embedded popup video player with ‘modal’ view
- On-hover effects on client icons
- Pricing table
- Themable with custom color CSS file
- Back to top
- FontAwesome font icons
In The Box
- All demo images
- 1 HTML file
- CSS files
- Javascript source files
- Font icons
- Library and plugin files
Libraries and Plugins
Tags: Animation Clean Gallery Ghost Button Hero Header HTML5 & CSS3 One page Parallax Effect Pricing table Sticky Navigation Bar Video Player
Posted: 23.06.2022