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10 best CSS hacks
list of 10 hand picked CSS hacks and tricks which can help you in your CSS code and also save some time. Vertical align div, Min-Height, PNG transparency, Autoclear, Reset CSS, Scrolling Render IE, Opacity, PRE Tag, Li Background Repeat IE
Even More Rounded Corners With CSS
Yet another technique for the Rounded Corners. CSS-only, no Javascript, Fluid layout, width/height, Single PNG image, Standard Module Format-based content markup
CSS Gradient Text Effect
A simple CSS trick to show you how to create gradient text effect with a PNG image (pure CSS, no Javascript or Flash). All you need is an empty <span> tag in the heading and apply the background image overlay using the CSS position:absolute property.
CSS Text Wrapper
The CSS Text Wrapper allows you to easily make HTML text wrap in shapes other than just a rectangle. You can make text wrap around curves, zig-zags, or whatever you want.
Maximum and Minimum Height and Width in Internet Explorer
by taking advantage of IE’s proprietary CSS attribute, expression, you too can whip IE widths and heights into desirable proportions,The CSS expression attribute enables JavaScript commands to be executed within Internet Explorer.
SitePoint CSS Reference
the most detailed and up-to-date reference on the subject available: - What Is CSS? - General Syntax and Nomenclature - At-Rules - Selectors - Workarounds, Filters and Hacks - The Cascade, Specificity, and Inheritance - CSS Layout and Formatting - Box Properties - Layout Properties - List Properties - Table Properties - Color and Backgrounds - Typographical Properties - Generated Content - User Interface Properties - Vendor-Specific Properties - Paged Media Properties - Differences Between HTML and XHTML - Alphabetic Property Index
Blueprint CSS Cheat Sheet
A reference page with all the important class names that you can print out and keep on your desk about Blueprint CSS freamework
Creating a table with dynamically highlighted columns like Crazy Egg's pricing table
Creating a table with dynamically highlighted columns like "Crazy Egg's pricing table": . Step by step tutorial using CSS, JavaScript, and images in clever ways.
6 Keys to Understanding Modern CSS-based Layouts
Key elements need to come together to create a solid CSS-based layout that is consistent cross-browser. Box Model, Floated Columns, Sizing Using Ems, Image Replacement, Floated Navigation, Sprites
CSS: List Boxes
Using a simple unordered list this experiment aligns the boxes across the page with the end result being to showcase items like services, products, or specials. One of cool thing about this — if you turn off styles — is the extractable semantics with the headings and paragraphs used.
Blueprint, a CSS framework
Blueprint is a CSS framework, which aims to cut down on your CSS development time. It gives you a solid CSS foundation to build your project on top of, with an easy-to-use grid, sensible typography, and even a stylesheet for printing.
CSS Redundancy Checker
Use this tool to find CSS selectors that aren't used by any of your HTML files and may be redundant.
Aptana:The Web IDE
The Aptana IDE is a free, open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript-focused development environment for building Ajax applications. It features code assist on JavaScript, HTML, and CSS languages, FTP/SFTP support and a JavaScript debugger to troubleshoot your code.
Exceptional Performance : Thirteen Simple Rules for Speeding Up Your Web Site
13 Simple Rules For Speeding Up Your Website from Yahoo Developer Network! 1. Make Fewer HTTP Requests 2. Use a Content Delivery Network 3. Add an Expires Header 4. Gzip Components 5. Put CSS at the Top 6. Move Scripts to the Bottom 7. Avoid CSS Expressions 8. Make JavaScript and CSS External 9. Reduce DNS Lookups 10. Minify JavaScript 11. Avoid Redirects 12. Remove Duplicate Scripts 13. Configure ETags
Typetester - online font comparison
The Typetester is an online application for comparison of the fonts for the screen. Its’ primary role is to make web designer’s life easier. As the new fonts are bundled into operating systems, the list of the common fonts will be updated.
Compatibility table: CSS3 Selectors
A few CSS3 selectors are already making their way into modern web browsers. Of the browsers tested thus far, Konqueror is the clear leader in implementation, with the Gecko (Mozilla, etc) engine not too far behind. In all cases I have used the latest current browser release, except for Internet Explorer where I’ve used the Beta of IE7 (as IE6 has no support at all).
The Power of Web Site Colors
Color can play an important role in communicating your message online. Color choices can inspire, make an impression, and persuade your prospect to buy from you. Your color choices alone are sending a specific message to your viewers.
Optimizing Web Applications and Content for iPhone
Understand the capabilities of iPhone, Follow established design practices for the web, Adopt iPhone-specific design principles
DENIM: An Informal Tool For Early Stage Web Site and UI Design
DENIM is a system that helps web site designers in the early stages of design. DENIM supports sketching input, allows design at different refinement levels, and unifies the levels through zooming.