Free Templates
Design Tools

53 CSS Techniques has compiled the most handy CSS-based techniques for web developers.
Web Standards: it's about quality, not compliance
In spite of the widespread acceptance of Web standards by a specific segment of the design and development community, hosts of professionals – those out there right now creating the Web – are working in direct opposition to these standards. A significant reason for why this is happening..
12 Basic Free CSS Templates
These templates are intended to be a starting point for your own designs, they aren’t in any way meant to be an actual website design. The templates include some basic directory structure as well as basic markup and styling. You can preview the templates by clicking one of them below.
The Best of January 2007
Best web-development-related sites, articles, references, tutorials and freebies released or published online over the last month.
New CSS properties in Safari
It seems like the Safari team has been pretty busy implementing new CSS properties lately. First out is text-stroke, a new (and non-standard, so not for real-world use) CSS property that can be used to control the fill and stroke colours as well as the stroke width of text.
Where Did My Beautiful Internet Go?
Most web designers worth their salt know the phrase web design is a laughably broad term. Designing for the web entails understanding interaction design, information architecture, usability, accessibility, as well as having an excellent feel for visual design.
New Vista Fonts & The Web
Will the fonts, Cambria, Calibri, Candara, Consolas, Constantia and Corbel, become the standard for web typography over the next 10 years?
CSS and Typography
Brian Warren: I discovered some of the limitations of publishing websites with flash and I ran back to CSS and tried my best to make websites with the limited web-safe fonts, and felt a little bit of my typographic soul die.
A List Apart Issue 232
Make sense of Flash embedding and build elastic multi-column layouts with columns of equal height.
Designing with Web Standards, 2nd Edition (Book review)
This second edition of Jeffrey Zeldman's book Designing with Web Standards is an absolute must read for anybody who has not yet started using Web standards. I'd even say that it is a must read even for those who have, if only because of how well-written and engaging it is.